For each company-level objective inferred from our strategy, we set up a cross functional team involving the key company functions (including a member of the management team). This team is in charge of identifying the sub-objectives and defining their roadmap (from admin to product delivery if applicable), how they will work. The workstream owner provides regular updates to the company and the management team.
From a product perspective, each workstream is an input to identify the product strategy for the following period and therefore the initiative we’ll have to work on.
See template link or image / pdf below
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We use Product board to organize and prioritize our product initiatives.
All our insights, known problems and candidate features are prioritized based on how much they contribute to the success of the company level goal.
To do this we use **Producboard drivers and prioritization scores,** where drivers are the company objectives or workstream “local” objective.
Once we have a clearer idea on the product and tech initiatives we should work on first, we group them into product goals to propose a high level product roadmap.
Grouping initiatives in product goals makes it easier for the team to focus on the outcome and not specifically on the underlying problem or feature we thought relevant at the time we build the roadmap.
Since roadmaps mostly consist in predicting the future with a high level of uncertainty, we review our objectives and therefore our plans every quarter.
The quarterly product strategy meetings are intended to align the teams on the existing approved commits and discuss new candidates. Note that we may to use a different approach to prioritize candidates for a quarter (since they are more likely tactical, we use the RICE framework in Productboard).
The Quarterly Product Strategy meetings are documented and shared with the whole company once agreed upon.
See template link or image / pdf below
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Quartelry Product Strategy meetings.pdf